Dealing with Circular References in Excel 2010 Formulas

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Total of these 3 items is T. And the second IF function is a circular formula that fetches the current day and time if C2 doesn't already have a value in it, thus saving all existing time stamps.

Open a new spreadsheet. As a long-time daily user of Excel, I strongly recommend against allowing circular references in your spreadsheets and against enabling iterative calculations. Having studied that formular and tracked it, Excel says that the offset formular is a circular reference - but a direct reference to the resulting address is OK!

Remove or allow a circular reference - Simple, we write formulas with circular references, like this: But wait, just when you press enter after writing the formulas, Excel would scream bloody and curse your entire family for having a circular reference in your worksheet.

However, what happens if you reference the cell itself, either directly or indirectly? This means an infinite loop of calculations! Luckily, Excel has solutions to deal with these kinds of situations. Circular Reference means that your formula is trying to calculate the origin cell. Typically, this is considered an error. However, there are times where this error can actually be useful and you might to want to create a circular reference on purpose. You can download the sample workbook. Doing the same thing inside a formula will also have the same effect i. Another common example is including the original cell when selecting a range from adjacent cells. Indirect Reference A cell that is targeting a cell that is pointing to the originating cell will create an indirect reference. In other words, circular reference can be established by two cells targeting each other. Why is this a problem? To prevent freezing your computer, Excel simply ignores circular references. This means that there might be more than one such reference on this tab. Here is what it looks like, Excel also keeps a list of all circular references, which can be accessed from Error Checking option on the Formula tab, How to get rid of them Unfortunately, there is no easy way to remove or fix unwanted circular references. See our guide to learn how to do this, Can they be useful? Although, only under some circumstances. You may intentionally want to calculate a circular formula block more than few times. To activate and use circular references you must first activate them by checking Enable iterative calculations option under the File menu. Note that smaller number means accurate results. Iterative calculations stop when one of the conditions defined above are matched. The monthly interest in this option is 1. Download the sample workbook for this use case. This move will cause a circular reference warning if iterative calculations are not enabled. Automatic Timestamp Circular references can also be used to add time stamp into cells. Download the sample workbook for this use case. Start with adding a new column into table to place the timestamps in. Note that pressing the Enter button will give a circular reference warning if iterative calculations are not enabled. Now, every time we enter a new order and create a new row, an timestamp will be automatically printed on the Timestamp column. In its essence an error, circular references can actually be useful in some cases. However, knowing your way around them and with them!


Delete those out of the model completely. So, as we had set out to prove, Circular referencing is not such a villain as it is usually regarded as. If you leave them in, Excel calculates each cell involved in the circular reference by using the results of the previous iteration. Thankfully, with careful inspection and a mug of coffee, you can reduce most circular references to simple formulas. BUT you have to make some considerations: for example, circular references are solved in sequence, so your formulas locations ARE important. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. You need to go back a step and find a different way of solving the problem.